Getting Started, Setting Goals

I love learning. Given the opportunity, I will read every line of a textbook and attempt to internalize every concept. While this was perfect for most of my college courses, it doesn’t quite work for a tax course and I will have to adjust my goals accordingly. Tax return preparation is a very research intensive field. The tax code is ridiculously extensive and complex and while basic returns can be simple, it doesn’t take long for the complexity of filing situations to escalate. With that in mind, I plan to really focus on knowing where to look rather than trying to memorize every detail. My work experience up until this point has not been tax related, so my main goal, which I hope to accomplish through this program, is to update my tax skill set and get some hands on experience preparing tax returns. Filing taxes isn’t really just about getting them done; it’s about getting them done as efficiently as possible without overlooking any details. As if that isn’t intimidating enough, taxpayers who rely on tax preparers ultimately sign off on and take responsibility for the return. This makes it crucial that tax preparers be competent and aware of the many changes that affect tax preparation every year. After researching many courses, I decided that The Income Tax School would be a great choice for helping me reach my goals. Their Chartered Tax Professional program covers basic and intermediate tax preparation topics while also requiring hands on experience. Over the next few months, I will be posting about my experience with their courses and hope that my experiences will give you some insight into this program.