I’m interested in the Chartered Tax Professional certificate program, but I already have some tax knowledge. I’m not sure where I should start.

Category: Certificate ProgramsI’m interested in the Chartered Tax Professional certificate program, but I already have some tax knowledge. I’m not sure where I should start.
The Income Tax School asked 10 years ago
1 Answers
ITS Staff answered 10 years ago
You may still want to consider enrolling in our Chartered Tax Professional (CTP) certificate program (link below) which includes the Comprehensive, Advanced 1 & 2 and Small Business 1 & 2 courses. Since you already have some experience, you may be able to test out of the Comprehensive Course for a fee of $100, an option which is described below. We do offer an installment payment plan for the CTP and payments would be adjusted if you are able to test out of the Comprehensive. Our Chartered Tax Professional course If you already Have Some Tax Knowledge? If you’ve already taken an income tax course or two from our tax school you can still register for the CTP® certificate program and we will submit your completed courses into the program. Or, if you already have some tax knowledge under your belt from another source, you can still register for the CTP® program and you may test out of the Comprehensive Tax Course only and move on to the Advanced and Small Business courses. The cost to test out of the Comprehensive Tax Course is $100. Please contact us by calling us at 1.800.984.1040 or by emailing us.