Displaying: Operating Your Tax Business

The tax preparation business has changed significantly in recent years, and even more dramatic changes are coming in the future.  To survive and grow, independent tax businesses must also change.  These changes will include new marketing strategies and tactics, adoption of new technologies, new…

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Will IRS Modernized E-File (CADE2) result in the RAL becoming Obsolete?

IRS Modernized E-File (CADE) promised to speed up direct deposit refunds to a few days instead of about 2 weeks . Read Details at:  http://www.irs.gov/efile/article/0,,id=204763,00.html The new CADE2 IRS project is explained at the following link.:http://www.datacenterknowledge.com/archives/2010/03/29/irs-data-centers-gird-for-tax-season/ We have been phasing out of RALs…

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